Bettys SEO Keywords - Writers' Corner...

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                      Website Owners' Blog

This Month's Blog

How Using Relevant Keywords Attract SEO &
Quality Buying Customers

Search Engine Optimization or SEO  creates opportunities to reach more quality customers than most paid ad projects.

SEO websites have  a low appeal to curious people surfing the internet and...  not everyone is looking for the same thing.

In defense of the SEO, a low customer appeal means the customers that land on your website are real potential buying customers. They are focused on what they want. They are ready to purchase!

They were pre-screened for you by the information found on your Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

And customers attracted to SEO websites already know what they want . They just want to connect with a website that offers an answer to their question(s).

That's exactly what this website is designed to do.  Help you set up your website with SEO qualities that appeal to your best customers. And enable you to understand anything SEO that you come upon on the internet.

Therefore customers that make it to your website are buying customers. They have the potential of becoming long lasting and  loyal customers. I'd say that's good for your bottom line?

Who Should  Invest In This Website 
This website is dedicated to individuals that have heard about SEO but do not quite understand how to use it to the benefit of their website. If that is true for you - you're in the right place!

And if you wish to understand anything SEO that you come upon on the internet? This website will open the doors for you. It's the best website marketing tool on the internet.

If that is your goal...You're in the right place.

You will learn how to iron out the rough edges that delay your benefiting from the valuable tool  - SEO.  Before long you will know how to attract quality customers wishing to purchase from your website.

What Tools Do You Need
The key tools for attracting quality website customers are relevant keywords, search engine ranking of your website and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

You'll learn how to position your website for those tools on this website.

The level of experience for learning these tools include:
1.  A basic knowledge of the internet,
2. A desire to understand and learn the workings of the search engine optimization (SEO).  

Interested in learning how to use SEO to your website benefit?

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 Beginners Guide -
How to Create
Powerful SEO Keywords

1.  Want to learn how keywords and SEO work together?
2.  Do you know how to create custom website?
3.  Competitors don't want to steal your keywords and use them fo
r their website
- why?
4.  Position your website to rank higher with SEO and SERP - you can do it.

     Interested?  Fill our the "contact me" box below and receive more course information.

Register Today for the self-paced on-line course .

Earn deep discounts off the original course price...
Learn how Keywords - SEO and SERP  position your website for website traffic and profitable returns.
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Contact Me Box below!
Do it now while you're thinking about it.
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Beginners Guide e-Course

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Having worked in private and public worlds encouraged me to return to school and earn a Master’s Degree in business. They  helped me land  research assignments which were dependent on good writing skills. And they influenced my decision to pursue and enhance my writing skills-in creative writing and in business writing.

I completed my copywriter course through the Accelerated Writers Program offered by the American Writers and Artists Inc (AWAI.COM) and their Master Copywriter Writer’s Course. AWAI taught me how to deliver written marketing material  that channeled customers’ motivators - their desires, feelings, and beliefs. a description here. Learn More